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Old 10-23-2004, 06:35 PM   #2
Montana Master
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Oceanside
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M.O.C. #20
Lamar & Debbie, from what I've seen the Sunnybrook is a very good choice and is comparable in build quality to the Montana. It was on our short list of FW's to look at when we were looking for another fiver for the same reason as you, needed to get a washer and dryer into it. The only real concern I personally had with the Sunnybrook is I keep hearing the factory doesn't come close to Keystone for standing behind the product. But that's just based on what I hear from a few owners in parks we've been in. Chances are you'd never need that anyhow. The Sunnybrook is a good choice, from what I've seen. If you do move on to another brand, I hope you'll stop in and say hello whenever you can. We have at least one other member doing that.
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