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Old 09-11-2012, 04:38 AM   #7
Mrs. CountryGuy
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #6337
Any fabrics left, like towels or sheets, clean, place in plastic bags, maybe even those "suck the air out of em" kinds, if nothing else, press as much air out as you can.

Fabric sheets in all drawers, closet shelves, multiple sheets is ok.

I would clean out the frig VERY well, dry well, and stuff with crumpled newspapers and CLOSE the doors. If your help is going to move those slides those doors may bump around, and may slam shut anyway. I leave frigs like this for MONTHS, coolers for several years, and when I go to reuse there are no smell issues, quite the contrary, they smell just fine. 8.5 months and I pulled the newspaper, started the frig and loaded the frig, nothing else was necessary. The trick to this is you must have that frig VERY VERY dry before you close it up.
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