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Old 10-18-2004, 03:30 PM   #4
Montana Master
Join Date: Oct 2003
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M.O.C. #607
ken, I know what your saying, and I agree with you, but what is happening to me is my grey water holding tank is empty! and when using the spin cycle in washer, water would dump out on floor inside the camper! if you went outside and took the cap off the city sewer connection,all the water would come out (with grey water valve closed! and grey water tank empty!

I do understand that if it went to the grey water holding tank, it would overflow into the tub. that isn't happening.

looking from the outside, it appears the pvc black sewer pipe comes down from the washer and directly hooks to the outside city connection.of course you can't tell what is going on above the artic insulation with out taking it apart...and didn't want to if I didn't need to.

hope this clarifys.

thank you.
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