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Old 07-12-2012, 08:02 PM   #9
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #15
We won't go into the weight thing! If I would lose a little weight (about 100#) I'm pretty certain I would feel a lot better. So I guess my real problem is not with my back but with my eating habits! Of course the weight thing is not a 100% type thing...... Otherwise we'd never see a skinny person with a back problem..... And we know that ain't true! I know several really skinny folks who have had or have bad backs, knees, hips...... But definitely need to lose some of those pounds. Heck I'd probably even improve my fuel mileage!

Nothing has been said about RFL. Guess that might be another option. Will discuss this issue with doctor at next visit. Thank you for also sharing your experience. I hope you are able to keep your pain level under control. Happy travels, Dennis

Glad to hear someone was able to get rid of some weight. Thanks for sharing. Dennis
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