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Old 06-11-2012, 08:15 AM   #17
Montana Master
Join Date: Mar 2010
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M.O.C. #10246
quote:Originally posted by Sky

I prefer 60-65 mph, but never over 65 if at all possible. I think a lot of drivers forget that it takes a lot longer to stop a vehicle (especially a towed vehicle)
at 75+ mph then it does at 63 mph. And lets not forget the distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you (which always seems to change suddenly).
OK, so I drive slower and it takes longer to get there. But I get there and get there safely. Good tires are important but getting there safely is more important and it doesn't wear out your tires as much as speed does.
Agree, safety is the issue. Tires rated at 65 mph should not be driven above that my opinion...if for no other reason than I would rather you not run into me because you were going so fast you couldn't stop in time to avoid hitting me.
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