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Old 05-26-2012, 06:01 AM   #6
Montana Master
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38 gallons sounds about right. I'm guessing you are looking at the sensors which have been known to be unreliable since they have been known to collect "debris" over time and then give the wrong reading even though the tank is actually at a different capacity.

You might have to fill the black tank several times to continue to flush out debris and get the sensors cleaned. If it's bad enough you might have to have it professionally done or do a forum search for the many ways that the tank can be cleaned especially the sensors.

The biggest problem I've determined from usage is that most people do not flush with enough water. Just because the effluent leaves the toilet does not mean you stop the water from flushing. A trick many use is with "number 1" leave it open for a full 5 to 10 seconds and for "number two", double that. We use a 7 & 15 count. This helps ensure enough water to prevent buildup and keep the sensors cleaner than not doing this.

Our sensors seems to work better than most, but even then we still have our occasional sensor issue until I can get it a good cleaning and flushing going. Having a "tornado-like" backflush sprayer helps a lot!
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