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Old 08-24-2004, 03:54 AM   #4
Montana Master
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Spring Hill
Posts: 2,725
M.O.C. #59
Bought mine used and have good luck with it. Like any trailer there is always lots of maintenance most of which you can do yourself. Like replacing staples with screws etc. My converter had a bad solder joint on the battery charging resistor, nickle dime but still had to be soldered. Had to replace batteries. Have to grease my wheels after each trip. My seals holding the glass in the cabinetes is failing but RTV does a better job. Fix them as necessary.

I am very conservative with treatment. I drive 60-65 and when there are a lot of bumps in the road I slow down to keep additional g forces off my tires and axles. If you want to drive 70-80 there will be more maintenance although the trailer will handle great at those speeds.

I think the warranty on Montanas is still one year for general items and 12 years on the roof. Warranty is not transferable. So that is not a good feature because it reduces re-sale value.

Keystone appears to do a great job honoring warrantys. Probably the best in the industry. Purchase mine without warranty and they did a frame upgrade on mine that envoled lots of labor and steel. No charge to me. They are still performing this out of warranty upgrade.

When reading the Good Sam forum recently a Cardinal owner had a crack under his bedroom slide. Cardinal offered to fix it if they would go 4500 miles to the factory. Montanas can normally be fixed at the local dealer free of charge.

Montanas probably have the same problems as other trailers. the harder you treat it the more problems you will have.

For mine, I have put at least 20000 miles on it and still have two of original tires (99 15 inch ST Towmasters). I only change two of them because of slight bulges. It is hard to tell which ones are the 99's and which ones are the 02's. Just about the same amout of tread. But I will replace the 99's before next summer.

A lot of buying any trailer is how good your dealer is. There is of course two sides to that story also.

Good luck in your selection.
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