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Old 03-24-2011, 01:44 AM   #12
Montana Master
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Delaware
Posts: 504
M.O.C. #5841
Dave, I frequent (too much) a quilting forum where there are lady's who do Quilts of Valor and Quilts for Wounded, also. Now they are actually sending quilts to Afghanistan. The QOV statement says that the quilts will be for any service person who has served in a war, because war changes folks. They/you need to know that you are all appreciated so very much. Words cannot describe. I am so happy to *know* someone who has received a quilt like this. I will report to the forum how much your quilt meant to you. Thank you for serving and also thank you for sharing your quilt story. BTW, my bro also received a purple heart. Maybe he will be getting a quilt from them someday, too.
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