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Old 12-09-2010, 02:16 AM   #12
Montana Master
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Casa Grande
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M.O.C. #6333
quote:Originally posted by Art-n-Marge

Where we shop at ANY store we at least corral our carts. If it's a flat bed or one of those vertical rail carts for doors and the like, we'll corral those, too only if to save someone a few steps in finding one.

We feel like we are a rarity, but both DW and I think this is a good idea. We also enjoy parking out in the North 40 because we hate the fights when we park and then try to leave. Sometimes it can take a long time just to get out of the space because anxious drivers wanna take our spot, then we get slowed down by the multitudes coming out of the store who don't care what traffic is waiting.

Forget it, we park far (rain or shine, mostly shine), think walking is good and will corral our carts. I've had to catch too many others' runaway carts to think I'm gonna be that inconsiderate and lazy. I'd like to think nothing would be different for us if we lived where it rained, or snowed or had hurricanes and tornados. All we ever get are earthquakes but we haven't been near carts or parking lots when they have happened, yet.
ME Too, Especially parking in the north 40....
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