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Old 03-17-2010, 04:51 AM   #10
Montana Master
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Casa Grande
Posts: 5,369
M.O.C. #6333
I worked with a lady in Alaska who was of the "Anti government mentatlity". For Y2K she bought HUGE bags of rice and beans and multiple gallons of water from Costco thinking the entire supply line would be interrupted when all the computers in the world would crash because of the "date thing". She was from a town in Oregon that believed one day the government would have everything. Well, I think they still have about 60% to go on that one. I happen to think that no harm will come of filling out the census forms properly. This government does a lot more FOR us than Against us. I have lived in foreign countries and if you think it is bad here, try living abroad for a few years. As the saying goes "There's no place like home" as long as it is the USA.
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