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Old 08-05-2009, 11:44 AM   #9
Montana Master
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Great point Rich! For a tire monitoring system treat it like the idiot light in your car. They work AFTER a failure occurs and you need to STOP! But at least you don't waste time trying to figure out if something happens and create more damage or weaken the other tires that are now carrying extra weight.

I had a situation that the tire separated and I was losing air. I didn't discover it until I made a planned stop and noticed the tire was low. Looking close I saw the tire separation and replaced the tire. With a TPMS I would have been notified sooner and replaced it sooner - I was lucky it didn't blowout.

Because I don't have a TPMS, we don't drive longer than 1.5 to 2 hours, but with a TPMS I would like to extend my range to 3 or more hours - for those of you who travel in the southwest, wide open deserts, you'll know why I'd like to stop less frequently.

Good luck on your TPMS selection - for me it's not a question of yes or no, it's when I can get one.
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