Thread: Cats
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Old 07-06-2009, 03:12 PM   #12
Seasoned Camper
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Waco
Posts: 74
M.O.C. #1946
We have a grey tabby that hates travel, in anything I would suppose, but for sure he hates it in the truck, cry's the entire trip. I have one question for those who say their cat travels great in the trailer, how do you know?. One comment about cats getting under the bed. I had the same problem so I fashioned a piece of stiff cardboard that fits by the front side of the bed, attached the that little step up that is the slide mechanics cavity, and he can't get under there anymore. Under the bed is a very dangerous place with electric wire and such under there, I was scared that he would get fried, and since he is a cat he would not come out by threat or treat so I had to dismantle part of the bed that one time. We work at a Corps park and I see lots of cats in vehicles and some say they travel well, others do not, I guess its the breed or something.
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