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Old 05-24-2009, 06:08 PM   #20
Montana Fan
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Oviedo
Posts: 418
M.O.C. #8297
We have used both and I find that the LED rope lights are the easiest, most flexible and, in my case, the most affordable (I bought them after Christmas this year at Wally World). We have a four strands and use them as "path" lights and hang a strand from the awning (when it is is deployed) for "porch" lighting. We have white and blue lights. White works best for "ambient" lighting and the blue is nice for the "path" lighting as it can stay on late and not be "glaring" for our neighbors.

If we were to stay any length of time anywhere (over a week) then I imagine that I would really like those CW globe lights for regular use. But as we we do more "out and about" use of Bella and the rope lights are quick to put out and take in when on the road or if the weather changes quickly. When she is set up on our property in Umatilla, we are happy with the rope lights and I can use one of the small table lamps from inside for a reading light if I want to have more than just enough light to socialize and get about without killing myself!

OBTW "Tacky" is a decorating genre (or should be if it isn't) and is something that can be aspired to but not everyone can get there! LOL The important thing is to have fun and get what meets your needs. Oh, and your needs/desires, might vary depending on the circumstances and/or location. In Florida I thought that EVERYONE was required to have at LEAST one string of flamingo lights! :-)
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