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Old 04-25-2009, 05:00 AM   #12
Montana Fan
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Rigby
Posts: 199
M.O.C. #8903
quote:Originally posted by Wayne and Carolyn Mathews

Gramps, if you were on I-15, you went by Clark Canyon Reservoir. If you'd have looked across the water to the west shore, you'd have seen my house sitting in the middle of the wildlife management area there--green metal roof, our Montana parked off to the side. Next time you're out this way, please stop. You no doubt have more places to suggest for RV accessory shopping; we'd love to visit with you.

Wayne & Carolyn
Carolyn and Wayne,
That is one heck of a back yard. Been that way many times and have seen the house, but always looked at the water level. It's been really low the past few years.
We're actually going to Missoula on the 4th for work, and will be taking Monty rather than staying in the hotel. If we have time, maybe we'll give you a wave. It would be neat to meet another member.
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