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Old 03-28-2009, 05:14 AM   #4
stiles watson
Montana Master
Join Date: Sep 2004
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M.O.C. #2059
The plus to the combined unit is that it takes up less space. The negative is that you can't wash and dry at the same time, which is possible with the stacked units. The stacked will take more room though. We have been using our stacked units for 4 years, 2 years with Kenmore and now 2 years with Splendide Ariston, and find them to be satisfactory. We like the Splendide Ariston much better.

However, adjustments have to be made. The RV W/D will hold smaller loads than your stick house washer. 110 volt current dries clothing more slowly. Dianna washes about 3 times a week. She really prefers that to taking a big load to the laundry once a week. Of course, she can do a load any time, early or late.

Just a word about operation. The newer machines have a greater variety of possibilities than the older ones, so Dianna put the instruction sheet in a clear plastic cover and keeps it atop the machines for ease of access.

Big question is whether we would do it again. The answer is absolutely. For full timing, we see it as a necessity, not a luxury.
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