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Old 11-30-2008, 01:33 PM   #18
Montana Master
Join Date: Nov 2007
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M.O.C. #7871
IMHO, y'all can say whatever you want about unions, good or bad. But the bottom line (for a business, not the gov) is that unions artificially drive up wages and benefits so much that the companies they "support" are in deep trouble...the big three. The Hondas, Toyotas, et al, of the world don't have those big time costs and thus provide fine products (usually better) at a more reasonable price. Their wages and benefits are fair, thus the employees are happy, but those benefits are reasonable, not totally absurd like the big three have agreed to with the UAW.

The airlines are a good example of the union being totally unneeded. As an ATP (airline transport pilot), the FAA tells me EVERYTHING I can or cannot do regarding my flying...number of hours in any period (day/week/month/year)I can fly, number of hours rest required in any time period, number of hours night I can fly, how often and what type medical I must maintain, what my vision must be...the list is virtually endless. Trips, aircraft type, domicile and virtually everything else is based on seniority. The union is worthless and provides no usefull purpose.

Look at WalMart...fine company, providing lots of jobs, making lots of money...and all non union. Natually, the union is doing all they can to get a piece of the action. WM works their people hard, but pay and benefits are also good. They are happy and don't want the union...this from an insider in the corporate office...a family member.
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