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Old 11-25-2008, 03:16 AM   #2
Montana Master
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Troy
Posts: 1,980
M.O.C. #808
James, make sure you can trust "someone" at the dealership to give you a fair warning of their upcoming demise. That way you can either pick it up or make arrangements to have it moved.
I say that because a few years ago I lost a chain saw at a local lawn equipment dealer that was closed by the feds. I had to either get a lawyer to take the feds to court to get the $125. saw back or buy it back at the sheriff's sale. Go figure! I even had my name on the side of the case and it still didn't matter, so don't take the chance, keep on top of the dealership and watch them closely.
Would I keep my Montana there, sure, I'm just glad I have a pad beside the house so that I don't have to!
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