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Old 10-30-2008, 11:03 AM   #2
Montana Master
Join Date: Jul 2004
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M.O.C. #1846
Back in my youth the family went camping at Vallacitos lake, Colorado (hope I spelled that correctly). Anyway, I remember my Dad telling stories -- he had a way he could do owl hoots and other sounds cupping his hands and blowing through them. In any case, he told some stories this one night. After we had all gone to bed, we heard this 'mournful cry' and then a screech. Well, my Mom was up and out of that tent in a flash, my Dad following her trying to calm her down. Next thing we knew my Dad came in laughing so hard -- said Mom was sleeping in the car and we would be going home in the morning. Never knew what made the sound (Dad was also asleep in the tent and was woken up by it) but that is the last time I remember him, or any one, telling stories at our campfires. We camped there again for years afterwards and I don't recall ever hearing that (those) sounds again. Later my Mom did talk about it at a family gathering -- said it was 'Los LLaronas' (pronounced yar oh nus) as best I recall. Said where she was raised it was the witches (cryers) callling for those dying.
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