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Old 07-27-2008, 09:43 AM   #40
Montana Master
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: North Ridgeville
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M.O.C. #2839
That's part of it John.. Remember the USA is the single largest importer and consumer of oil on the planet.The oil companies, OPEC, any one who importers oil or sells oil to the USA does not want demand to decrease. All of these folks and countries are in the business of selling oil and we the USA are their biggest customer.The price of oil and all that it effects affected the consumer to the point of where they could not afford to buy it and demand dropped. That is a bad thing for folks who have the product to sell..The best way to increase demand is to lower price... and Shazam... that is what is happening. We need to keep demand for oil down by a combination of many things.Explore more drill more, develop alternative sources..none of which the oil folks want us to do.. They want us to keep on being the largest consumer of oil on the planet and not only OPEC and other oil producing nations..But our own folks ..right here in the good old USA. If we were indeed serious about not being dependent on foreign oil we would be building refineries, developing, wind solar and nuke power..Drilling, developing new fields...we have plenty of talk and politics but little action..If the downward trend continues in a couple of months we will all be happy..on the road again all this forgotton and the oil folks will have won again. Nothing will,change and it will happen all over again..
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