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Old 07-24-2008, 11:00 AM   #4
Delaine and Lindy
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #6650
Faith, it works wonders, such a sad story. Ever read the book "Bad things Happen to Good People". Jim and Teresa are in our prayers. Joe you and Doe have wonderful neighbors, just remember you are there for a reason. Jim is going to need a lot of support. I remember the day they told be I had Cancer, it was like I had been kicked by a Horse. My first question was why me Lord. The process Jim is going thru will be very hard but he's also lucky to have neighbors like you and Doe. So for I'm Cancer free, but every year when I go for the Check-up, I'm just thankful for the past year and I just got my yearly check-up thats 5 years, I'm so Blessed. GBY....
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