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Old 07-11-2008, 01:29 PM   #15
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Join Date: Aug 2007
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M.O.C. #7560
This whole thing is not going to be settled with us here on MOC but in a court of law that now has seemed to take on any and all challenges that anyone wants to bring up! Yes, the manufacturer of the homes/trailers or whatever are somewhat to blame but they are just doing their job of making these homes or homes away from home and putting them out to the public for their use! The biggest problem here is that there are some down in New Orleans and surrounding areas that want to make the fast and easy buck and it doesn't matter to them when, where or who they go after or affect! Yes, their health is a concern to me but let's use some "grey matter" when things like this come up! Yes, the formaldehyde problem is an issue but it's also the "brass" in FEMA and any other government divisions that could care less on anyone's problems. They are out for their paycheck and the quick solution to any possible problem that may come up to them. OK, I'm off my soapbox but common sense can only tell you to open windows if the smell is bad and air the place out if you don't like the smell! In our case,if you smelled gas would you contact an attorney and file on everyone from the bottling company for the propane to the multi-million dollar companies producing it from the wells? Why not file on the States or Nations that are letting these companies drill the wells! Admit it folks, we have become a "Get rich the easy way nation through the court system!!! This is MHO only!!
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