Thread: OK Gals...
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Old 03-19-2008, 12:26 AM   #1
Glenn and Lorraine
Montana Master
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Clearwater
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M.O.C. #420
Not a Gal but I just thought I'd make a quick comment...
I have a feeling this will become a FEMALE only category that can't possibly work.
1st of all...A female only category wouldn't matter to me but what is good for the Goose should also be good for the Gander.
You can bet on it that you will get complaints from the male MOCers that they want a MALE only forum as well.
AND What's to stop any MALE from registering as a female. For example... Lorraine is not the least bit interested in forums and that includes the MOC forum. What would stop me from registering her name and assuming her identity???

This has been tried on other forums and so far as I know it has always failed and actually caused a lot of animosity amongst the membership as well as between spouses.

Just my opinion..........
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