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Old 03-06-2008, 03:15 PM   #4
Mrs. CountryGuy
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #6337
Gotta say, that it is our opinion that driving with almost full tanks is a disaster waiting for a place to happen. Also 30 pounds of ice?? that is a lot of weight bouncing around down there.

Sorry, but that is our take on it, would never do either.

When we feel our tanks need a bit of cleaning, we dump, add about 3 gallons of water per, a bit of the calgon, laundry soap, and in the toilet, a 1/3rd of a cup of bleach. We run with just those 3 gallons, and that sloshes around.

The use of ice is quite controverisal as well. Our stand is that the Calgon will do a much better job of cleaning than some ice cubes.

Again, our opinion, tho gotta say, we are rather strong in this one.

ON EDIT: One of our concerns is how much can these tanks really take, we are constantly reading here on the forum that so and so has a leaky tank, then, another, and another, and on and on. If you have 38 gallons of water/and other stuff in there, you are getting close to 300 pounds of stuff in there, and 30 pounds of ice in this case. We do NOT trust these tanks enough to haul around 300 pounds of fluids at 65 MPH down the smooth (err, read that tongue in cheek for BUMPY) roads. 3 gallons on the other hand would be about 18 pounds. Quite a difference. Until we stop hearing reports that these tanks are springing leaks and that they are correctly installed with STRAPS, as per the vendor, there is no way we are gonna haul 300 pounds of stuff around. Again, we feel quite strongly about this, I'll go duck while you flame me.
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