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Old 10-02-2007, 03:30 AM   #17
Montana Fan
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Windsor
Posts: 177
M.O.C. #3481
I must be lucky because I haven`t had the shackle problem only the alignment problem that wore out my tires. Having said that I asked the tech at the alignmrnt shop about the shackle problems others are having. He said that all of the components are related. If your alignment is out this adds stress on other parts of the system so if you are running toe in or out / \ or \ / (exageration but hope you get the point) this also makes your shackle, bolt and bushings being pulled left or right or up and down. By just getting new bolts, bushings and shackle plates without getting it aligned will eventually wear them out again. By having the lube bolts it will just prolong the enevitable. I caught mine in time but was lucky it just wore out my tires prematurely. It made sense to me as the printout he gave me when he did the alignment showed not only the axles were running toe in and out but also left to right so that I was virtually dragging the 5ver along. I did this before my warranty was up at a cost to me but was well worth it. The new tires show no wear whatsoever or do the shackle plates, bolts and bushings. I`ve had the new tires since April,05 and have put on at least 15,000 miles thru Northern Ontario, Michigan, and to Florida (2 times). Sorry for the rant but think about it. I would think Glenn being in the tire business for years knows that the whole suspension system relates to wear and tear.
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