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Old 06-26-2007, 12:10 AM   #6
Glenn and Lorraine
Montana Master
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Clearwater
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M.O.C. #420
Congrats Patty, I don't know what Lorraine and I would do without our AirCard (also Verizon). We can usually get online anytime, anywhere.

On EDIT......
You can also use it at home and get rid of the Cable modem or DSL and not lose much connection speed.

AND, if you get the AirCard router you can use more than one computer. AND with the router, when in an RV park you put out a WiFi single allowing close by neighbors to also get online using your single and it does not effect you at all. In most every RV park we are in I have allowed others to connect on my signal but I do keep it password protected and pick and choose who gets that password.
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