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Old 03-21-2007, 02:59 AM   #6
Montana Master
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Midlothian
Posts: 956
M.O.C. #40
We have dome both. As previously stated it is hard to say one is more senic than the other. Both drives are beautiful.
When we went to Silverton and Ouray we left the monty in Durango and when we did Rocky Mountain NP to Tuluride we left the monty and just made day trips.
This way we enjoyed the trip without having to pull over the mountains. The road from Durango to Silverton and coming into Ouray is a steep pull.
This I know was not much help. I would suggest pick one to do this time and do the other when you can. You can't go wrong with which ever you pick.
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