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Old 01-24-2007, 06:39 AM   #13
Montana Master
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Posts: 918
M.O.C. #331
Nancy was recalled for a 6-8 week work thing back to Calif in Nov. I hauled the rig back here, solo, while she started the work thing. While she was working, we rented a car. That was a bit pricey for two months.

If I had it to do again, I would think about buying a $3000 something or other and reselling it when we were finished. That way, you only lose the difference between buying and selling prices of the same vehicle. For an intermediate short period, a couple or three months, it would be far less than monthly rentals.

We have rented a vehicle at different locations for various reasons. No problem, now and then, for a day or two, but the costs do add up.

I think a commercial "hauler" would be way too expensive for your situation. Maybe adjust the travel distance each day to her comfortable driving distances.

If you have a couple of good CB radios, you can "chat" while she is driving. If you want peace and quiet, you can even turn it down and claim "sunspot interference" or some such... LOL
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