Thread: John sigmone
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Old 03-22-2024, 01:54 PM   #7
Bourbon County
Montana Fan
Join Date: Feb 2022
Location: Cynthiana
Posts: 213
M.O.C. #30449
I am a member of the fix it yourself club also, and admire the other members.

A couple of things to think of before trying the saddle valves. You will need a set of gauges to determine if the charge is low and to do an accurate charge after repairs. If the charge is low or totally gone; where did it go? It's a sealed system and if it's low, you have a leak. If you have a leak, can you find it and repair it? If it's inside one of the coils, forget it.

I too would advise removing the shroud and taking a good luck before buying anything. If it has leaked there is a possibility you will see some compressor oil.
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