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Old 02-06-2024, 12:25 PM   #21
Seasoned Camper
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Join Date: Jan 2024
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Posts: 61
M.O.C. #33861
It's definitely strange to me that your furnace would start when you have your In-Command set to electric heat for the heat pump. Ours does not do that at all. From what ASA Electronics tech has told me, the In-Command system simply sends a signal to the gateway controller when it's time to start the furnace/heat pump/AC, then the gateway controls the rest. To me, I would start your troubleshooting at the gateway (I believe they're up in the ceiling inside your AC unit).

As far as heat pump location, they locate them where the central thermostat is located. Ours is no different, with the electric fireplace in the same room with the heat pump. I suppose it's possible in theory to relocate it, but your In-Command controls are limited by the floorplan. Unless you have the means to write new code for it, I wouldn't expect your system to work properly. It would be nice if Keystone put a little more thought and effort into distributing climate control throughout. I think the design was generally centered around ease of installing and simplification of the In-Command floorpans.

The heat pump should be blowing through all the ceiling ducts/vents. With that said, I know the forward bedrooms get cold in the winter from lack of insulation at the cap. We combatted this with an electric mattress pad. We just turn it on an hour before we go to bed, turn it off when we get in to bed and all is right in the world.
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