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Old 05-23-2022, 12:33 PM   #7
New Member
Join Date: May 2022
Location: Brevard
Posts: 5
M.O.C. #31036
Before I know if I need to call an electrician to come out and get me setup for shore power, what are the requirements? What can be run on a 110 outlet and what do I need if I want to run the single A/C? Do I need to have a 220 outlet wired or can I get by with a regular outlet? I also have a large propane tank for my business right by where I hope to be parking the RV, is it worth directly connecting to that?

Speaking of parking, the ideal place to have it the most out of the way, would have it where it's partially below and parallel to overhead power lines. With this being almost 13' tall, I'm assuming the left hand slides would be about 3-5' below the lines when extended. Is that safe or do I need to move it over further so that the wires aren't directly over the slides. Space is somewhat limited back there so it would be great to have it under the wires but how close can a camper physically be to those lines (assuming no antennas or people are up on the roof while under the lines)? The previous owner of my business said he used to park a camper in that same spot but I don't want to do anything dangerous since my kids will be hanging out inside. Thanks!
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