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Old 05-30-2020, 02:12 PM   #45
Charlie 3931fb
Montana Master
Join Date: Mar 2020
Location: Waynesville
Posts: 533
M.O.C. #25947
Hey All,

I have a Class "A" CDL and have all the endorsement's except school & passenger bus. I also have a "M 1" for our bike's. I have all way's had a CDL since my 20's because of work. so I keep it current with my medical now every year. Sofia got here Class "A" non-commercial when we got the 5500 Dodge. She has to do a medical every 4 year's I think.

I ask a CHP friend of mine and he said that most state's will not bother you with a licence even if you needed one. Most of the time when something happen's like a ticket or accident they all way's have the answer that the dealership never told us that we needed to get a CDL for this rig.

In the same turn, I was pulled over one time for speed, when they found out that I was on a CDL they asked for my log book. This guy was trying to be a same ass. When I came back at him with I don;t have a Freight bill because it was not a commercial haul, and I have private coach on the side of my truck, that shut him up quick .

It's just a way for the state to make money.

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