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Old 04-19-2020, 11:45 AM   #28
Montana Master
Join Date: Sep 2019
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M.O.C. #24938
Originally Posted by Jamesb View Post
Someone summed the whole problem up; it’s all about “Me”. If a person cannot handle a few weeks of restrictions in there life, Lord help them. What people need is more self discipline. The protesters will become the new problem and will reverse the progress we have made so far. They speak Tyranny, no one is taken anything away from anyone. It’s a small price to pay to save life. The people that thinks it’s wrong, go to a large affected hospital and spend some time with the real workers right now. We just need to slow down a little and educate ourselves more. Heck, then you get into the money issues. My gosh what happened to savings accounts, emergency funds, etc. They just blame the government and ask for money, that’s pathetic. People think it is our Governments job to pay us for all this. Whew, I better quit ranting. But it’s true. Very embarrassing situation we have going on. Be safe out there. Can’t wait to get back on the road!
Sorry but this is the most rediculous statement I have read, while most of us here are older and have built our nest-eggs, retirement and have savings. 78% (4 out of 5 workers) of Americans live paycheck to paycheck (that is a fact from the government). For us to critisize those folks in process of establishing their financial security seeing how we have only been out of recession for 4 years many have spent the last 4 -5 years just getting back out of debt. Having kids in their mid 20's trying to make ends meet is near impossible these days, it is not like when we were in our 20'-30's. As a business owner with some employees who live paycheck to paycheck and also those that have some savings which is depleting fast, I have empathy and understand. As a business owner who s' products are 100% American made who then competes directly with China this makes it tough to pay what we would like to even though we do pay average blue collar wages. We are in the commercial electrical trades which is one of the better paid construction trades. My point is it is not as black and white to blame people for not have enough savings.
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