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Old 03-12-2006, 09:05 AM   #6
Montana Master
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Denver
Posts: 1,046
M.O.C. #5329
"We were told at the factory, and it sort of makes sense, that most folks will replace the bed no matter what so they install a "average" quality mattress..same story with the audio system...hummm"

They wouldn't have to replace factory standard items if they were good quality to begin with. Don't let anybody tell you that the manufacturers don't use the cheapest stuff they can get away with, because it is a savings to them. Tires are a pet peeve of mine, and most mfg. still use the unsafe Chinese junk because they get it cheaper. When I pick up my new 2955 RL next week, it's going straight to the tire shop for a changeout. I for one would pay a few bucks more for good tires from the factory.
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