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Old 08-03-2019, 02:44 PM   #13
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Join Date: Aug 2007
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M.O.C. #7560
I've been using Fresh Cab for the past 10 years now and have only had one critter enter the unit and that was because he/she was running for it's life from a combine that was harvesting a field. A snaptrap took care of it that night! Anyway, Fresh Cab is used by a lot of the construction companies who have trucks and equipment sitting over the winter and also by a lot of farmers in their equipment that sits unused during the seasons. It is an herbal based product and is none harmful to humans or pets. The critters do not like the smell of it and head for better places. You can buy it on line on Amazon, any of the big name hardware stores, or any farm supply store such as TSC or others. Great stuff and I keep several boxes of it both in the camper and also in the storage shed I keep the Monte in when not in use. Give it a try!
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