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Old 01-28-2006, 02:55 PM   #46
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: El Paso
Posts: 6
M.O.C. #5215
As I am new to the game and a little apprehensive about all the details that many of you may take as second nature, I find all the confessions and/or screw ups the most valuable section on the board.
In the explanation portion of my purchase, there were many things that were skimmed or skipped. Is there a manual with pictures and arrows anywhere?
....and my screw up was....20 minutes after leaving the dealership. We had cut some branches before backing it in. One of us was watching as the other opened the slides. Ours is the RK and the dining is the last to come out. Evidently a drawer came out on the way home and was crushed. It is difficult to see how it can be avoided as you would have to crawl over the island counter thingy, to see that all was clear. Anyway I was able to replace the drawer bottom and put cripples on the sides.
After reading the column this far, I think I need to back up the clock and get all the horror stories.

The Journey is the Goal
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