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Old 03-19-2011, 07:01 PM   #1
Wayne and Carolyn Mathews
Montana Master
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Dillon KOA
Posts: 1,291
M.O.C. #7445
Kitchen Floor Split? Cut? Cracked?

Two days ago, I opened the slides in our Montana to check supplies and see what I needed to add/remove before moving into the rig in 3 weeks. Everything was fine.

Today when I opened the slides, the kitchen floor was cut diagonally from the front of the fridge to the counter extension (Montana 3585SA). I don't know what happened: Maybe the slide caught the floor and sliced it, or else--maybe--the floor cracked for some reason. I'd suspect the winter temperatures affected it except that in 3 years, we've never had an RV problem with weather up here. Actually, now that I think about it, if the slide had caught the floor, it seems that the linoleum would have been peeled back toward the direction the slide was going. Hmmmmmm . . . It wasn't "peeled"--it is a clean slice (crack?.

We're taking our Monty to our dealer next week to have our graphics replaced, so I guess we'll be having the kitchen floor replaced while our unit is there.

On another topic: Looks as though we're going to have less to haul and store than we feared, because the buyers of our home are going to buy some of the huge pieces of furniture that we didn't want to put into storage. Woohoo! Move-out day is fast approching. Sure hope our Monty will be ready for us "in a timely manner."

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