Thread: OMG!
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Old 05-18-2009, 07:39 PM   #1
Montana Fan
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Davis
Posts: 482
M.O.C. #4524

Oh My God its this week we will be heading out for the Rally!

Our plans are to meet up with others at 5:00 AM to Caravan for a 7am breakfast at a Casino, which means we need to pull out from home no later then 4:30 am.....I beginning to think we are crazy! Especially since I do not even like to eat breakfast....Naw this will be fun as it is always fun to meet with others. Hey I wonder if I could get the group to stop and shop on the way....anybody know of any Factory Outlet Stores on the way?

There is so much to do to get ready for this shopping, set up CB radio, wrap White Elephant gift, collect clothing and bathroom needs, and bath the dogs so they feel good when they greet others....

Oh by the way just a little warning....We will have two dogs with us, but watch out for the black dog....she is a attack dog! She will attack you with licks! Husband say's she can't hold her liquor either. LOL!
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