Thread: Paul Update
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Old 04-20-2009, 11:12 AM   #1
Montana Master
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Kalispell
Posts: 937
M.O.C. #3113
Paul Update

Well, it has been a while since I gave an update on Paul so here it goes. Paul have been increasingly confused. He doesn't like change and never has but now that they have moved him to a private Hospice room he keeps asking me to take him back to his other room. He says he wants his other bed. They moved his bed with him so I keep telling him he is in his bed. Today he told me he wanted to come home and sleep in his bed. So I brought him home. I tried to put him in our bed and he wouldn't go for it. He said it wasn't the same bed. I just went along with him. I sat him on the couch and he wanted something for lunch. So I made his a ham and cheese sandwich. He ate the ham and cheese but the bread wouldn't go down. He has gained weight. He went from the first of December being 120 lbs to today he is at 146 lbs. But that is because he is being tube fed and the liquid that they give him is very high in calories. It still won't make any difference though because it won't stop the tumors from spreading. He has gone from .50 of morphine to .75 in just a week. So the pain is increasing. Soon he will have to have more and more I am afraid. He is getting a little testy with me which isn't like Paul at all so I know he is in a lot of pain. I spend all of my time with him be it at home or at the Vet's home. They are also giving him more Adivan for his anxiety. He also has a pain patch. So I know when he says he hurts he really hurts.
Monday, April 20th.
The last couple of days I noticed that his peg site has really been leaking. Today when I went in the stitching had pulled away from the site which means there is nothing holding it in his stomach. I had the nurse disconnect the feeding tube because all of the Jevity was just running out the hole in his stomach onto his clothing. I am amazed that the feeding tube stayed in as long as it did. They have now given him 2 pain patches which when they first put it on him he isn't worth a darned for a couple of days because it is so strong. I took him to lunch today and he ordered a beer and a hamburger but couldn't swallow it. He ate some fries and I cut his burger meat up very small and he was able to tolerate it pretty well. Everything else is about the same. Just taking it day by day. God will see to it that everything falls into place. I give all of my problems to him now. I don't even try to fight it and do it myself......I think I have learned he is much better at this then I am. I will keep you posted. Bless you all. Kathi
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