Thread: My half cousin
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Old 01-10-2008, 03:06 AM   #1
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #5980
My half cousin

Jett has come to visit us here on the Island for a few days.
Jett lives in the German mountains somewhere, never did understand the name of them, too…well, German, for me to comprehend. He arrived on a plane in Brownsville, UPS, he said, I am not sure on that, we picked him up and brought him to our home.
Jett is named after James Dean‘s character, Jett Rink. The actor died before the classic movie “Giant’ came out. Jett’s mom and dad saw the movie, and fell in love with Texas. The movie was actually filmed in and around the dry plains of Marfa Texas. Jett’s mom and dad think all Texans are tall and terribly rich.
We showed Jett around the RV park, and I grilled out the first night, he was wondering what that constant roar was. I told him it was the ocean, just a couple of blocks away. He said he wanted to see it, but couldn’t swim, so he did not feel he could get too close.
We had a little dilemma on sleeping arrangements the first night, Jett was afraid of the cats, I told him I would fix a nice bed in the desk drawer, he replied that he would get paper cuts there, so I told him he could sleep anywhere he wished. My wife thinks he is a little kinky, as he chose her underwear drawer. I told her not to think that, he just didn’t want to get paper cuts.
Now, Jett’s kind are partiers, they have been known to hold ‘it’ for an entire day, even when drinking beer. They kiss by rubbing noses, and shouldn’t be trifled with, and teased about their height. They are, after all, 7 times stronger than a man.
The following day, I hopped on my bike, Jett sat on my rear package carrier and we rode up the beach to Boomerang Billy’s for a cold one.
The girls loved Jett, great sense of humor, the German jokes he told, (which no one understood because of his thick accent), were laughed at by all. It was hard to not be in a good mood around him, and his contagious laugh.
As Jett got a few in him, he asked me not to be offended, but he actually came here to see all the girls on Spring Break. I didn’t know how to tell him that his visit was a couple of month’s early.
He didn’t take it well, and asked if we could go and see some of the shows in Tijuana he had read about. Again he was disappointed, when I explained that we were 1,588 miles and 3 days travel, away from there.
He had heard some visitors at the bar talk about Matamoras Mexico, so he wanted to see some of ’fun’ there, he also overheard them talking about drugs. I told him that the city catered to us retired folk, and the drugs they were speaking of, was arthritis medication.
Not one to give up on seeking a good time , he asked about the ‘Gentlemen’s club’ nearby in Harlingen, he heard about from one of the customers . I told him it didn’t even open until 6:00 or so, and all us retirees are in bed by 9:00. By the time we drove there at 50 miles and hour, it would be time to turn around and get ready for bed.
Jett was very despondent, the next day he asked to be taken to the UPS plane for a trip back to Germany.
We were sad to see him go, and not realize his fantasy’s here, but sometimes our expectations and dreams are not grounded in reality.
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