Thread: RFID_
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Old 07-01-2007, 06:05 AM   #1
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #116

I was browsing a computer magazine the other day while waiting for our truck and ran across an article on RFID chips. This is a chip embedded in many new credit cards, touch and go cards, key cards, entry badges, and the new US passport and contain many different kinds of personal/financial/medical information. They are a passive radio frequency chip activated by a extraneous reader and can be hacked and read up to 30 feet away, maybe more. Most of them transmit their information in the clear or with weak encryption. The article was directed at shielding these items when they are not in active use by the owner. There are wallets available now that have been designed to shield these cards and reduce or eliminate the risk of having personal information skimmed and used in cloned cards. For those interested, Google rfid hack, rfid wallet, or other pertinent phrase.

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