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Old 06-09-2006, 08:28 PM   #1
Montana Master
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A Bump in the Road

Actually the bump is on Ed's neck. Ed has had a sebaceous cyst on the back of his neck for several years. Two doctors have told him it is nothing and to leave it alone. Well right in the middle of our trip it decided to get an infection. So we made a trip to the ER here in Polson which was a "no waiting" experience with really nice people. They lanced it and "packed it". We have to go back Monday to have it repacked so this has set back our plans for a day or two. It is raining now and suppose to rain all day tomorrow, so we will finish the laundry and kick back. We were all set to wash the mud off of Monty when we decided Ed needed to see a Doctor so maybe we can get some mud removal in during the next few days. The rain will not remove the mud as the mud is on the bottom and tires. Ed is okay and glad the pain and experience is over.
Happy trails................................
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