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Old 12-02-2005, 12:03 PM   #11
Glenn and Lorraine
Montana Master
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Clearwater
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M.O.C. #420
Dave you and I may differ on a number of different subjects but on the subject of "rumors" I agree with your I'll believe it when I see it 150%. I like to hear the words from the horse's mouth and not from the competition.

As to your…
quote: I vote we wait until Glenn gets there and we can ask him the facts. I'm sure it will be a long time before he is corrupted by the environment.
The way I see it, it will be a very long time before I get the job much less corrupted.
It has now been over two weeks since the original interview and two weeks exactly since I was to be told whether or not I had the job. At this point, I don't think it's going to happen after all.

At the initial interview with the GM I stressed the importance of support from the techs, office and management. I was told that I would get all the support I could ask for…..Yeah Right!!

On Wednesday the 14th, the day of the initial interview with the GM I was told to return Friday morning and pick up the employee package. I arrived at Friday at 10AM and no one in the office knew what I was talking about and the GM was out of the office. I was told to return in about an hour. I returned at 11:30 and the package was ready. The package consisted of the normal employment application papers including a form for a drug test. How difficult would it have been to throw that together on Wednesday or a least the first time I was there Friday morning. On Monday the 19th I returned the completed package. I gave the package directly to the GM and was told by the GM that he would call me on Friday the 25th with the results. I received no call on Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday. (They are open 7 days a week) Monday about noon I called them and was told the GM was busy and he would get back to me. Taking no chances I made sure they had my name and phone number. On Wednesday around 1 I again called and this time the GM was out of the office. Again I left my name and phone number. It is now Friday evening and I still have not received that call.

If this is the kind of office and management support I’m to expect maybe I’m better off looking elsewhere.
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