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Old 10-29-2009, 02:43 AM   #1
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M.O.C. #9670
I'm curious how many younger full timers out here

My wife and some friends were talking the other day and the question was brought up about how many full timers were out there, still working or not. 30's,40's,50's my wife and I are in our mid 40's and find it hard some times to find people our age living the same dream as we are. There have been times when we feel like we are being looked at like what are you doing here you haven't put in your time out there to be here now and then there are times when you find the crowd that doesn't care and its all about the dream. So my question is are you in your 30's to 50's full timing and where do you travel to for how long and how do you pay for your travels and what made you decide to become full timers. Most of my customers told me if you can find away to do it now then do it do not wait till you retire it might not give you enough time to do what you want or you may not have your health or money to do so.
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