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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Generic Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:) Smile Smile
;) Wink Wink
:D Big Grin Big Grin
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)
:socool: So Cool So Cool
:o Embarrassment Embarrassment
:eek: EEK! EEK!
:confused: Confused Confused
:thumbsup: Thumbs Up Thumbs Up
:popcorn: Popcorn Popcorn
:flowers: Flowers Flowers
:whistling: Whistling Whistling
:nonono: NoNoNo NoNoNo
:bow: Bow Bow
:blush: Blush Blush
:ermm: Ermm Ermm
:facepalm: Face Palm Face Palm
:hide: Hide Hide
:lol: LOL LOL
:rofl: ROFL ROFL
:huh: Huh Huh
:dance: Dance Dance
:oops: Oops Oops
:banghead: Bang Head Bang Head
:angel: Angel Angel
:( Frown Frown
:iagree: I Agree I Agree
:hello: Hello Hello
:offtopic: Off Topic Off Topic
:peace: Peace Peace
:thanx: Thanx Thanx
:horse: Horse Horse
:pirate: Pirate Pirate
:mad: Mad Mad
:hornets: Hornets Hornets
:cry: Crying Crying
:censored: Censored Censored
:trash: Trash Trash
:oldman: Old Man Old Man
:p Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue
:hooray: Hooray Hooray
:surrender: Surrender Surrender
:fishing: Fishing Fishing
:angry: Angry Angry
:spam: Spam Spam
:noel: Noel Noel
:smitten: Smitten Smitten
:devil: Devil Devil
:danger: Danger Danger
:cool: Cool Cool
MOC Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
[:)] Smile Smile
[:D] Big Grin Big Grin
[8D] Cool Cool
[:I] Blush Blush
[:p] Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue
[}:)] Evil Evil
[;)] Wink Wink
[:o)] Clown Clown
[B)] Black Eye Black Eye
[8] 8ball 8ball
[:(] Sad Sad
:eek2: EEK EEK
[8)] Shy Shy
[:0] Shock Shock
[:(!] Angry Angry
[xx(] Dead Dead
[|)] Sleepy Sleepy
[:X] Kisses Kisses
[^] Approve Approve
[V] Disapprove Disapprove
[?] Question Question

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