View Full Version : Opinions on RV park prices, price gouging?

04-20-2012, 03:13 PM
We are in Lawrence Kansas, just a few miles from the NASCAR track in K.C. K., the prices went up here at Yoga Bearland, (the only place around here we would stay in) because of the race. Is this price gouging? or, just good business?
When there is a shortage of spaces somewhere, if the motels, or hotels, or RV Parks raise prices, is it legal? Should it not be?
I was just pondering...
What do you all think?

04-20-2012, 04:00 PM
Ozz you and I depend on repeat customers. I try to get my customers by as cheap as possible that way I make more money in the long run. If you have a campground at a Nascar race you need a different way to make money. Get it while you can. Some might be back but you are still the only game in town. They go to a race and expect to spend money. If you don't get it somebody else will. A camp site is worth what you are willing to pay. You were pondering, I'm rambling.

04-20-2012, 04:15 PM
The old supply and demand thing. And it does happen with motels/hotels also. Nothing illegal about it. Just pricing for what the market will bear. Hotels for miles around Jerry's World for the super bowl last year were out of sight for those few days.

04-20-2012, 06:02 PM
Try North Dakota boys ,there folks are charging $1,000 a week to park a trailer in there yard,LOTS OF TRAILERS in one yard.. I know I have seen it..........

If you had not heard it is that 2% of the worlds oil supply the Gov. is trying to tell us we ONLY have LOL,LOL.


04-20-2012, 06:25 PM
Should have stayed at Clinton Lake, we've done it many times, or maybe our standards are lower than yours. But Yogi?

ole dude
04-21-2012, 01:50 AM
Had some Hotel customers one time, anytime a special event would happen here in Austin, they would raise their rates, a bunch. Sooo, I raised my service rates to them, they would be squeeeeeling just like on the pig farm. :-)

04-21-2012, 02:14 AM
The only case that should be considered price gouging is when someone tries to take advantage of natural disasters, severe weather events, folks in distress, etc. Anything that would fall under the umbrella of discretionary needs is fair game in my opinion. It stings when you are just passing by, and not in the area for the major event that is driving up the prices I know. It's just bad luck, but you can't blame the businesses for cashing in. That's just my opinion.

04-21-2012, 02:29 AM
Sounds reasonable Greg. I see what you mean about the taking advantage part.

04-21-2012, 03:16 AM
Was this before or after you bought the cheap fuel? lol

04-21-2012, 03:57 AM
Not much different than the folks who live across the street from the Indy 500 or across from KState stadium for that matter. Most of the year they have to mow the lawn. Sometimes they can charge big bucks to let you park on it.

04-21-2012, 07:03 AM
A lot of these parks are suffering at other times because of the economy. I think it is reasonable for them to charge more when they have a big event going on. That way they can play catch-up. I'd say if you aren't too far from home (and I think you are from Kansas) hurry home as then it will be free there. lol!

04-21-2012, 12:10 PM
Was out in SD in the Black Hills the week before bike week. The weekly rate for a CG in Sturgis was $200.00 per week. I asked if I decided to stay for bike week the price would be $800.00 a week. But they said thats the rate but we are totally booked. Its what the market will bear, and what they can get. This is one week that they all capitalize on and in fact this makes it or breaks it for some of them for the year. We ended up in a CG in Custer SD in the Black Hills for $200.00 for the week of the rally, and took a drive over to Sturgis to see what it was all about. Well lets just say I am glad they were full in that CG......lol But it was an experience that I will remember for sure!!


04-21-2012, 12:31 PM
All I can say this is common practice Hotels during an event some times ask a 2 or 3 day stay
in addition to the higher price

04-21-2012, 12:52 PM
I am paying $240 for 4 nights to dry camp @ Lake San Antonio, CA. My son is competing in a triathlon with over 30,000 people in attendance. BTW, normal rate is $30.00 night.
One of my insurance associations had a convention in Reno recently. Rooms were $150 and up at all of the surrounding hotels. This town has been hurting for sometime....most of the time the are practically giving the rooms away to attract gamblers but not when they have a major attraction.


04-22-2012, 08:15 AM
The campgrounds we have stayed at over the past few days have charged pretty much the same as last year...just our luck????

04-22-2012, 03:49 PM
We used to go to Vegas a couple times per year. Liked to stay at Harrah's since it is in the middle of the strip and convenient to most all other casinos. Checking their rate calendar for "hot deals" you would find nightly rates from less than $50 to over $300 depending on what was happening in town at that time.
Out of curiosity I looked at their current rate calendar. For May rates range from $35 to $290.

04-23-2012, 04:34 AM
Never looked at a AAA travel guide? Motels "up" their rates around holidays and special events and, heck, even summertime at some places! No reason to expect that CGs wouldn't do the same.

04-24-2012, 03:55 AM
Same in Florida during the winter.Rates go up for the winter season. Near Disneyworld rates are higher.This C.G was near full during the winter. We had to wait over for fridge parts and the C.G is near empty.