View Full Version : Here's another suggestion for burns!

04-05-2011, 05:46 PM
Haven't tried this but sure sounds like a good remedy for a scald! Smothers the wound from the air! Everyone has some in the Monte so it sounds it just might work!

Sounds like this person found a new cure?

Once I was cooking some corn and stuck my fork in the boiling
water to see if the corn was ready. I missed and my hand went
into the boiling water.

A friend of mine, who was a Vietnam vet, came into
the house, just as I was screaming, and asked me if I had some plain
old flour. I pulled out a bag and he stuck my hand in it.. He said
to keep my hand in the flour for 10 minutes which I did. He said that in Vietnam, a guy was on fire and in their panic, they threw a bag of flour all over him to put the fire out. Well, it not only put the flour out, but he never even hada blister!!!!

SOOOO, long story short, I put my hand in the bag of flour for 10 minutes, pulled it out and had not even a red mark or a
blister and absolutley NO PAIN. Now, I keep a bag of flour in the fridge and every time I burn myself, I use the flour and never ONCE have I ever had a red spot, a burn or a blister!

Cold flour feels even better than room temperature flour.

Miracle, if you ask me. Keep a bag of white flour in your fridge and you will be happy you did. I even burned my tongue and put the
flour on it for about 10 mins. and the pain was gone and no burn. Try it! BTW, don't run your burn area under cold water first, just put it right into the flour for 10 mins and experience a miracle.
Please remember folks the MOC does not endorse ANY medical process. We have no way of knowing if one process works or not! Please consult a competent MEDICAL authority before using any medical procedure that you are not familiar with! Use at your own risk. Thank you. RVWheels, MOC Administrator.