View Full Version : Guns question

03-05-2011, 01:01 AM
If a person wants to travel to Alaska, can you take your guns across the Canada border leglally?

William H. Collier
03-05-2011, 01:29 AM
In a word "NO"

03-05-2011, 01:36 AM
What do people do Bill, send them across.. or just leave them somewhere?

03-05-2011, 01:36 AM
Rifles maybe yes; anything else in firearms no. Lots of info on this on various discussion boards. We as Canadians in Canada carry a possession/aquistion certifcation/license to buy, collect, carry and use firearms ( naturally some don't ).

03-05-2011, 01:52 AM
Ellis, if a person had a concealed carry permit here in the states, would it be honored under your version of the permit in Canada? And, does the U.S. honor your countries permit?

03-05-2011, 02:05 AM
Jim, When I left Alaska 4 years ago, I was told by Canadian Customs that they did not honor the US certificates and that I could not carry a weapon across the border. EXCEPTION: I could IF I had a Canadian hunting permit and only the weapon necessary for this. i.e. shotgun for birds or rifle for four legged game. I shipped mine to my son in Phoenix and picked one up when I next saw him......Just can't use US Mail......Have not seen or heard of any changes since then......

03-05-2011, 02:21 AM
Thanks, I thought of you when I asked the question.
Just filing away info for future considerations.

03-05-2011, 04:14 AM
I sat for an hour at the border for a very small canister of dog mace. Forgot it was in my console.

03-05-2011, 04:22 AM
I would be in trouble if I didn't do some housekeeping. Clips of 9MM, box of ammo, Taser, Pepper spray, Glock. Grenade launcher.. Oh, I took that out. ;)

03-05-2011, 04:38 AM
If you really wanted your gun in Alaska, I think you can have a licensed gun dealer ship it to another dealer in Alaska, and pick it up when you get there. And then do the same to return.

03-05-2011, 04:40 AM
There is a provision for taking firearms into Canada, but it's expensive, cumbersome, and not likely to be granted, in any case. I believe the Tourism Canada website has the info and can direct you to downloadable forms to request permission.

As an alternative, you could just ship your firearms to a FFL across the border in Alaska and pick them up when you get there. What you tell them on the form is up to you, but THERE IS NO PROVISION UNDER CANADIAN LAW FOR SELF DEFENSE WITH A FIREARM.

Good luck, and let us know what you come up with.

Lee F.
03-05-2011, 04:45 AM

I travel into Canada to hunt on a regular basis. They require you to register rifles and shotguns at the border. You fill out a short form and pay a small fee. You may NOT take any handguns into Canada. I know of several people who have made arrangements to leave their handguns with a local police dept. near the border until they returned. This might work if you plan on comming back through the same area. I guess you could ship your handguns to a willing FFL in Alaska, and then ship them back when you return, but that would be a real hassel, and probably costly.

Trailer Trash 2
03-05-2011, 04:55 AM
When we went to Montana last year then into Canada I was going to leave my gun in Montana at a gun shop then go into canada, and when I came back I would pick up my gun, so I thought, it seems that you cant do that in montana you must be a resident of montana to store a gun at a gun dealer or shop, I ended up having my Brother in law take it back home with him, then I picked it up from him when we returned back home. Check the laws of the state before you do it.
as for pepper spray into Canada is a NOT, I do know about Bear spray though it will fly. Ozz just get a #5lbs. dry chemical fire extinguisher and use that it has a 20 foot range too it will disable the fire in anybody or thing.

03-05-2011, 05:42 AM
Ozz, I don't know where or how you come up with there questions, but you do keep things interesting in this forum....There is almost no way you will get into Canada with a firearm. Have an Licenced gun dealer mail the weapon to a licenced dealer in Alaska I don't know if there is a concealed carry law in Alaska or
if a permit is needed for a sidearm. U.S.Mail will not ship but I know UPS will ship weapons but I don't know what their guidlines are. My PD would mail weapons out to be reblued etc to the firearms maker but not to private indivuals with no problems at all (just some paperwork and a few questions - like is it unloaded?) Check with the likes of UPS (United Parcel Service) or FEDEX and see what they will deliver.

03-05-2011, 05:51 AM
Lee's advice sounds good too. I will have to remember that about the police keeping the weapon. I would check with the department in question as their policy
may and can change at any given time especially if there is a change of command of that department.
And a question for Don....can you get a sholder holster for that 5 pound fire extinguisher??

Trailer Trash 2
03-05-2011, 06:45 AM
quote:Originally posted by Sky

Lee's advice sounds good too. I will have to remember that about the police keeping the weapon. I would check with the department in question as their policy
may and can change at any given time especially if there is a change of command of that department.
And a question for Don....can you get a sholder holster for that 5 pound fire extinguisher??

Ha Ha a sholder holster!!!! Sure you can its a 4 foot piece of rope looped around the neck of the bottle then looped over the sholder, I think the manufacture is Red Neck Inc.;) Ha Ha
Also when you run out of dry chemical you use the empty bottle to beat the dickens out of what ever the problem is. :D

03-05-2011, 07:40 AM
Last year my son in law hunted black bear in Canada. Vancouver Island. He did the paperwork and had no trouble getting his 7mm mag in and out. There is some paperwork that is needed but he followed all the rules and wasn't even checked when leaving. Your time is limited to something like 30 days.
Hand guns are strictly forbidden.

03-05-2011, 08:21 AM
Hunting weapons with the proper permits....yes.....hand guns ..no. Purge your RV and truck of anything that might suggest there is a handgun aboard. A single 9mm round or a empty holster can be a big problem. Many States include CCW information on their drivers license. If asked(you most likely will not be) tell the truth. If you say no and they check and your drivers license says yes......you must have something to hide.

we have crossed the border many times, both ways of course, and have never been detained or had a problem of any kind.

03-05-2011, 08:30 AM

All the information you need.

03-05-2011, 09:09 AM
I believe the only people who do not have guns in Alaska are Canadians!!!!!!!!!!!![V] Came back from Vietnam and wanted to go rabbit hunting, couldn't buy shells because I didn't have a gun card. That's when I realized I didn't need to be an Illinois resident any longer.:(

03-05-2011, 09:34 AM
Got an idea here. Don't know if it would work or not. Go to state of Washington with hand gun in tow. Get on a ferry on the state side and take it to Alaska. You would have to come back the same way. Don't know if it's possible, but it is a thought. I have also heard by rumor that in some states near the border that they have lock boxes that you can rent for storage. Just a couple of more ideas. One more thing. Google a bill that is now been broght up in congress..... H.R.-822. All of the states are not even covered with CW permits. This would help if it ever passes and it is tied to a bill that Obama has to sign to keep the country running.....JB

03-05-2011, 09:54 AM
Thanks I will look that up. From what I have learned here, I would not carry in to Canada even if I could. If there is no provision to defend yourself with a handgun, what would we gain...
I would like to have one if I were to go to Alaska some day, from watching 'Alaska State Troopers' on TV, it seems there are more weapons there than down here in the lower 48. I think I would just buy a Mossberg if I went up there.
It seems Bear spray would be nice to have, so that would be on the list. (I have a fire extinguisher :)

03-05-2011, 10:04 AM
Don't think you need a permit in Alaska to carry for anything. Just what I have read....JB

Lee F.
03-05-2011, 11:17 AM
Just FYI, Wasp and Hornet spray is reported to be WAY more effective on people than pepper spray and the stream is about 25'. I don't think you would have trouble taking that into Canada.

03-05-2011, 11:38 AM
Good tips Lee.

03-05-2011, 12:17 PM
We just went to AK this past summer and our friends traveling with us went with their 5th wheel and took a shot gun through Canada with no problem.
You just have to register it when you enter Canada.
You pay $60 to register it and it is good for 60 days. If you stay past 60 days you just re register it and another $60. They stayed more than 60 days.
The above info is for shot guns only. I can't give you facts for long rifles or hand guns.

03-05-2011, 01:44 PM
Again; rifles are okay for both hunting and carrying in Canada; with a permit. Hand guns are an absolute No!! We have many U.S. citizens that come into Canada to Big Game Hunt year after year and pack their rifles in and out with no problem ( they must be registered).

03-05-2011, 02:15 PM
"Health Shuler (D-NC), offered HR 822, the National Right-To-Carry Reciprocity Act. Noted Stearns, “It is important to note this bill would not create a federal licensing system. It would merely require states to recognize each other's carry permits'

it is only a house bill and a long way from any action..if ever.

03-05-2011, 02:36 PM
This have been very educational, Thanks everyone.

03-05-2011, 02:53 PM
quote:Originally posted by richfaa

"Health Shuler (D-NC), offered HR 822, the National Right-To-Carry Reciprocity Act. Noted Stearns, “It is important to note this bill would not create a federal licensing system. It would merely require states to recognize each other's carry permits'

it is only a house bill and a long way from any action..if ever.

I thought most (all?) states did honor the home state.
I also understood that you were 'good' if you are carrying when passing through a state.

03-05-2011, 03:25 PM
Here you go Ozz,



03-05-2011, 03:40 PM
If you haven't already read the gun thread on the Escapee's Forum I would recommend it. It is very long but contains a lot of gun related info.

Good luck, Dennis

03-05-2011, 11:42 PM
quote:Originally posted by pineranch

Here you go Ozz,



Great site! Thanks. I have my permit in Missouri, so I am in good shape except California and Washington..maybe it was Oregon in the areas where I plan on going.

I didn't see that Dennis, I will find it and read up on it.

03-06-2011, 01:38 PM
Better idea ... don't go to Canada if you need/want to carry a handgun. I carry and have scratched Canada off my list. LOTS to see here in the states. Besides, I don't want to be anywhere that only criminals and cops carry. Silly Canadian government ... they think if people can't carry handguns, everyone will be safe.

03-06-2011, 02:07 PM
I think Canada is beautiful, and like the peeps up there, but I actually was planning on Alaska, but I think I have to go through Canada to get there.

03-06-2011, 02:10 PM
quote:Originally posted by richfaa

"Health Shuler (D-NC), offered HR 822, the National Right-To-Carry Reciprocity Act. Noted Stearns, “It is important to note this bill would not create a federal licensing system. It would merely require states to recognize each other's carry permits'

it is only a house bill and a long way from any action..if ever.

I find this very interesting...Untill a few years ago Police Officers could have been arrested for going into another state with a sidearm (on or off duty). Under Pres. Bush a House Bill was passed that allowed all active police officers and retired officers that met
certain critera allowing them to carry in all the states.
It took a few years for this bill to pass and I can guess it will
take a lot longer for H.R. 822 to get through the anti gun law makers.

03-06-2011, 02:19 PM
I agree that Canada is beautiful (I've been there several times) and by far and large the citizens are wonderful people. I just think that on this particular issue the Canadian government is just wrong. Having said that, it's their country and they can make whatever rules they please. If someone wishes to visit their country, they need to play by their rules. If someone doesn't agree with them or finds their laws to be incompatible with their values, they are free to go elsewhere, .... and will. ;)

quote:Originally posted by Ozz

I think Canada is beautiful, and like the peeps up there, but I actually was planning on Alaska, but I think I have to go through Canada to get there.

03-06-2011, 04:22 PM
The above is so true no matter what country we travel throughout the world. There are pros and cons within any country when we are travelling, but must abide under their particular rule while travelling within.

03-07-2011, 04:14 AM
Canada.. Their Country....their Laws.

This is also a good link

http://www.handgunlaw.us/ Click on create your handgun map

we hold Ohio (domicle state) pennsylnania and N.H

Click the box on those States and you can see we are pretty well covered.