View Full Version : Bryce Canyon KOA

05-07-2008, 02:14 PM
Not a very big one and no Verizon service, which means I am using Park WiFi. Come see us or send E-mail and let's do something together.......

I almost forgot to ask: What would you recommend absolutely seeing while here, you know, the one or two things I gotta see/do????????


05-07-2008, 04:03 PM
Take the hike down into the canyon. A must. I did it, slowly, so anyone can. There are no facilities at the bottom so use them before you go. We loved Byrce and will return there some day. We didn't get to see as much of Zion as we wanted so it is on our list of "do again". Enjoy
Happy trails.............................

05-08-2008, 06:42 PM
Thanks Sue, we will look into that.

Surely, some others have been here, What say ye?????

05-08-2008, 06:57 PM
Howdy the DW and I spendt a few days their, we mosltly drove and walked a couple of trails. That was April 23 to the 25th. We them stayed in Kanab for a Month, We went to Zion and used the shuttle system and hiked the Emerald pool trails. We hiked the Squaw trail in Kanab and the Hog Creek trails, we went to the Glen canyon Dam and Lake Powel. We are now at the Grand Canyon, North Rim we hope to hike the trails here and about Sept hike all the way to the Colorado River that will be a two or three day hike. Its beautiful here at the Grand Canyon. Randye.

05-09-2008, 01:53 AM
We enjoyed Bryce Canyon when we were there. It has different rock formations different form Zion, Badlands, etc. Definitely hike in the canyon to get the full effect of these natural wonders.
One of the better hikes we had when were were in that area was a hike to Calf Creek Falls. You cannot see any of this fall unless you hike back into the location. The falls are back in a canyon that was beautiful and was worth the walk. It was in the area of Escalante. I Can't remember how far from Bryce that is, but if it is on your route make sure you check it out.

capn chris
05-09-2008, 04:23 AM
We've been there a couple of times. Sunrise and sunset points are fun and pretty at...yep, sunrise and sunset! Lots of cameras show up for the changing colors and gorgeous views. Rim trail is a nice walk. Also, the Queen's Garden Trail is nice and you can get to "Wall Street" but the trail is closed at Wall Street entrance, I believe, so you have to back track. Still very nice. Wear hiking shoes and take lots of water and your camera!!! BTW, Kodachrome Basin SP is also a nice side trip. Neat place off the beaten path. Check your map or ask for directions!!

John and Carol
05-09-2008, 04:58 PM
Hiking down into the canyon is an absolute must. Our first time there, we just drove to the viewpoints and walked the rim trail. Next time, we volunteered there and hiked the trails almost every day. Queen's Garden is the best easy trail. Peekaboo (take the shuttle to Bryce Point, if it is running, then hike down) is the second best place. Kodachrome Basin is also a great place to visit--just 20 or so miles south.
Those folks at the KOA are really nice. We volunteered at Kodachrome last year and did laundry and internet at the KOA. They were so helpful.

05-12-2008, 06:20 AM
Well, yesterday we did the half day trail ride (Mules) into the canyon. Great trip, rear end didn't think so though. Many pictures taken. Beauty around every bend. Taking today off from sightseeing. Tomorrow will do Kodachrome and Wednesday will probably do the Calf Creek Trail. Many great things to see in the area. Will be heading to Zion also while here, maybe even do Lake Powell one day. SO MUCH BEAUTY, SO LITTLE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks everyone for the great suggestions!!!!!

capn chris
05-12-2008, 06:29 AM
I highly encourage you to do Lake Powell/Page, AZ. Wahwheap (sp) CG is very nice w/in the Rec Area. Gorgeous large sites w/views of the lake etc. While there, tour the dam, float the Colorado, and by all means sign up for a guided tour of Antelope Canyon!!! Antelope is on the reservation, so sign up at the tour office in town. Not to be missed "slot canyon" is drop dead gorgeous! Have fun!!!

05-12-2008, 06:54 AM
Phil, we stayed in that same park (at Cannonville, right?). The wifi was not working well at that time. It was pretty new. I'm glad to hear it's working now.

By the way, no cingular service there, either. But, drive four miles towards Bryce Canyon and on the edge of Tropic we were able to get a decent signal. Might work for Verizon, too, if you need to make a call.

As for things to do, we spent about three weeks in that park before moving to the other side of Bryce. There are quite a few things to do.

One we could not do because it was closed (snow) is drive Devil's Backbone, starting at Escalante. Otherwise, if you would like to see what we did while there, other than Bryce Canyon (or even including it), go to www.geocities.com/stevereigle , select the "2006 Postcards" and scroll down. Start with the May 8 postcard and work from there. The topics are listed. We were there from April 13th. The postcards have later dates.

Have fun, it's a beautiful area!

On edit, after writing this, nostalgia forced (:)) me to review those postcards myself. One of the many things we did in the area is tromp around Butch Cassidy's boyhood home. There are no longer any signs on the road to denote its location, due to vandalism. But the home and grounds remain in the family. And the family decreed that locals (in Circleville not advertise the location but go ahead and give directions to those who ask.) So we were told by a clerk in a convenience store in Circleville. The home is abandoned and in disrepair but we were able to walk around in it and another building. And there were some old implements and a stove laying around. Anyhow, we found it interesting.


05-17-2008, 04:23 AM
We hiked Calf Creek yesterday to the falls, 6 miles round trip. Great walk. Have seen and done many things while here including finding over a dozen geocaches. Several were pretty high up, but the views were endless. Left some things to see for next time. Will be leaving here Wednesday for Salt Lake City area. Any ideas on sightseeing there would be appreciated. Steve, your photos were great, thanks for sharing. We might drive Devil's Backbone today as I hear the road is open now..........

05-17-2008, 08:18 AM
I hope you enjoyed the falls as much as we did, we had someone take a picture of us with the falls in the background. We enjoyed that hike as much as any. Did you see the hieroglyphics on the canyon walls? I was really a great unexpected hike we were told about when we were in that area. It was hot when we were there and the falls were a great way to cool off.

05-18-2008, 05:12 AM
David, We really enjoyed the hike, many stops along the way and yes we did see the ptetroglyphs on the walls. We packed in a lunch and ate it under a tree at the falls. Great time, I will admit the walk back seemed longer than the walk in, (isn't that the way it usually is?).