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Old 07-20-2007, 04:47 PM   #1
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Pets in rv park?

I would like to know if it is common in RV Parks that allow pets, to make all dog owners have pet on a leash and for all cat owners to let them all run free. I really have a problem with cats climbing all over my well kept and clean items. ie: footprints and scratches over everything. I don't think it's very fair for cat owners to be able to let their pets run wild, while dog owners have to leash their dog,sometimes only 6ft. in length, pick up after them etc. Cats can go where ever they want while loose and I don't see the cat owners running after their cats to clean up the $@%*. I'm am not refering to every park out there, but the one I'm in right now is a very nice resort and still has this problem. Is there anyone else having this same problem? If so, please tell me what you did to correct it. This post is not about dogs being any better than cats or vice versa, but to see if dog owners are feeling the same way I am.
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Old 07-20-2007, 05:12 PM   #2
Mrs. CountryGuy
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Would not care for that scenerio,

And, not to cause trouble,

But, are you sure it is a cat from a RV?? We have seen a number of cats in campgrounds, and some belong to the owners, some belong to other RVs and some belong to people who live in stick builts near by!!!

My 3 sons were setting up camp not long ago, in a rural, no power, tenting type campground, and up walked a rather hungry skinny cat. Hard to believe he was from another camper/tenter.

Cats for sure are much harder to keep on a leash, but in my book if you take one with you RVing, either keep it in the rig, or in a cat cage (they have some fab ones), or on a leash.

Good luck, let us hear how you make out with this.
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Old 07-20-2007, 05:35 PM   #3
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Yes they are from rv's. They are usually from the monthly people, some from overnighters, but we all know they rarely pick up after their pets. I have been here for almost two months and watch the owners let them out in the morning and see them loose until dusk. The point I'm trying to make is why (some) cat owners just let them run loose all the time and think the rules don't apply to them. I know parents that let their kids run all over the place too, but that is a whole other topic. I have two small jack russell terriers and always follow any and all rules. I just think CG's should have cat policies as well. I feel if you and your pets are accepted at RV Parks, then you should take care of them so not to bother any one else. Inclding dogs, cats, birds, snakes, whatever it might be.. No argument intended.
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Old 07-20-2007, 09:25 PM   #4
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Agree with you and feel the same about RV Parks or Campgrounds requiring you to leash a dog, but no mention of cats.

We have not experienced, a cat roaming around our site..YET, but just recently, Kevin and I were discussing how when checking in they (campground host) will ask you if you have a dog, no mention of cat. Then the "rules of the park" will state that "dogs must be on a leash at all times" again no mention of cats.

We are not cat haters...only feel that when out in campgrounds, leash laws should apply to all. Dogs Poop...Cats poop. My dogs will scratch and kick as if to cover their poop too...would that make a differnce!?

What can be done....I don't know. Maybe by us writing letters to our favorite campgrounds, or just focus on State Parks.
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Old 07-20-2007, 09:52 PM   #5
JH Sechelt
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I would think most people who let cats outside their units to run free are "permanents" or at least longtimmers in that park.
We went down the Washington coast a few years ago with friends that took their cats and on the second to last day we were at that campsite one of their cats got loose. Unlike dogs ( most dogs) If cats get loose it can be very difficult to get them back. it took 6 hours for 6 of us to find the cat and bring it back. I know my dog never goes any farther than about 10' from me leashed or not.

There are some of us that like to stop and stay at a RV Park and there are some that have to stay at a RV Park.
In the same token there are some RV Parks that wouldn't survive if they didn't at least have some permanents living in their parks.
I haven't met too many RVer's that would let their cats run wild if they were only staying at that park for a few days.

In some cases I guess you just have to take the bad with the good, nice thing about an RV, is that at least it is not too hard to pick up and move on.

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Old 07-21-2007, 01:54 AM   #6
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Yep, pretty frequent occurrence from what we've seen. Lady beside us in Aransas Pass had 3 cats, all running loose. It sure makes it hard to walk the dog on a leash when he's hunting a cat. The park we stayed at in Port Mansfield was good though, don't know if I ever saw a loose cat there. And there's always those folks that pull in and think they should be able to let the dogs run loose while they set up. Just like everything else, some folks don't think the rules apply to them. We did have one occurrence where our door blew open (wind is terrible in PM)and the dog got out. A very nice neighbor lady coaxed him back in with a piece of lunch meat. There are good folks everywhere.
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Old 07-21-2007, 03:57 AM   #7
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In my opinion pets are judged by the amount of waste and noise they generate around the campground, we have a bird and C.G's pay no attention to them at all and we have been in C.G.s where ALL pets, (4 legged type) are required to be on a leash and picked up after.
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Old 07-21-2007, 04:51 AM   #8
Glenn and Lorraine
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Now you pet owners don't get yourselves in an uproar but, We have never owned a pet of any species, never had, never will. I refused to pick up after my children and I'll be darned if I'll pick up after an animal. Until they can be taught to pick up after themselves and contribute to their health care Lorraine and I will stand our ground about not having any pets. Now this is OUR OPINION and is not meant to start any discussions good, bad or indifferent.

We have been in way too many RV parks where dogs and cats are allowed to run free and drop their crap where ever they see fit. We have been in way too many RV parks where the pets are on a leash and the owner sees their pet(s) take a crap. The majority of pet owners immediately pick the crap up. The minority just keep walking and ignore the crap.
Barking dogs is one of my pet (no pun intended) peeves. I know many dogs will greet another dog by barking. Some bark for territorial rights while some are just greeting their friends much like we say "How ya doin'" to passing fellow RVers. The ones I really get PO'd with are those that allow their mutt to continue barking. And don't get me started on the ones that are leashed to the RV but are left outside while the owner is inside watching TV or taking a nap. Many bark constantly as a way of saying "I want to be inside too or I want company".
It is those folks that make it bad for the consciences pet owners. It is those folks that cause CGs to ban pets from their parks.
YES, we have been in a few CGs with cats running loose and YES they should also be on a leash but I have yet to see a cat scare the daylights out of an RVer by going into what the RVers percieves as an attack mode. I have been there and had that happen to me and didn't know what was going to happen. I have seen unleashed dogs chase children. They only wanted attention but the child had no way of knowing that.
If I were a pet owner I'd be more concerned about THOSE FOLKS than a few stray cats, be them from outside the CG or inside the CG.
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Old 07-21-2007, 05:36 AM   #9
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Glenn and Lorraine-

I think all responsiable dog owners would agree with you in what you have to say. I know I do and I own two small poodles who go to campgrounds with us.

We do tie our dogs to the trailer but only when we are outside. When we walk on a leash, we have plastic bags with us for picking up.And I do not like another dog getting in a treating stance.It's the ones who don't agree that would be guilty has charged.

But I do agree with "traveltunes" that when dealing with the public at campgrounds cats should also be leashed. Even if it's not their nature to be. And I think campgrounds should treat all four legged(or two leggedjust to be fair) animals equal. No animal (or pet owners) have the right to infringe on another camper. Just as if no "person" has the right to infringe on the others in a campground. That is why each campsite is marked on (some more creative then others)where the boundries noise after quite time, park your vehicle on your space..etc.... I think these rules need to apply to all animals.
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Old 07-22-2007, 09:22 AM   #10
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We always pick up after our dogs. Our cat never goes outside unless he is leashed. And he is not a happy cat outside. Been trying to get him leash trained so he can walk with the dogs but beginning to think that is hopeless. He does everything with the dogs but leash walk.
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Old 07-22-2007, 12:09 PM   #11
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Dusty: That cat is laying in the rig (with A/C on) thinking "how long is it going to take me to train these humans". LOL
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Old 07-23-2007, 05:29 PM   #12
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Our cats--never allowed outside the camper, litter trained. Dog, walked only on 6 ft leash with us carrying the plastic bag for pick-up. (We also always have an extra bag on hand to give to those who "forgot" to bring one along for their personal use.). Dog only allowed outside on longer leash when we are with him to supervise. Figure that these are our pets and our responsibility to see that they do not infringe on others "quiet enjoyment". Did have an interesting experience with a campground owner's girlfriend who had a rottweiler in camp which she refused to properly control. Dog went for Pat's Dad while he was sitting in a chair and eventually did bite a child. To our best knowledge the animal (and the girlfriend,now wife) are still in the camp.
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Old 07-24-2007, 02:34 AM   #13
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quote:Originally posted by PartyCrashers

Glenn and Lorraine-

I think all responsiable dog owners would agree with you in what you have to say. I know I do and I own two small poodles who go to campgrounds with us.

We do tie our dogs to the trailer but only when we are outside. When we walk on a leash, we have plastic bags with us for picking up.And I do not like another dog getting in a treating stance.It's the ones who don't agree that would be guilty has charged.

But I do agree with "traveltunes" that when dealing with the public at campgrounds cats should also be leashed. Even if it's not their nature to be. And I think campgrounds should treat all four legged(or two leggedjust to be fair) animals equal. No animal (or pet owners) have the right to infringe on another camper. Just as if no "person" has the right to infringe on the others in a campground. That is why each campsite is marked on (some more creative then others)where the boundries noise after quite time, park your vehicle on your space..etc.... I think these rules need to apply to all animals.
Very well said.
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Old 07-24-2007, 03:11 AM   #14
Chuck and Carol
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We are begining our second week here at TT in Hershey. The day we arrived after driving 5 hours, there were kids running along our unit to get to the back. Our dogs were still "stuck" in the truck. We all were hot and tired, but had to wait until the kids passed.
We got them in the unit, watered and cooled down. Then the adults started. Where they were all going, we don't know.

We are backed up to a grassy area (no --- not the playground) that's just down a ways and it seems everyone has decided to bring their kids or let their kids loose to play behind the units here. Right now a father is playing catch behind us with his daughter. Because I can't stand a barking dog, my dogs have been inside most of our first week.

We've had a dog walked so close to the tent we had up I was sure he was going to lift his leg on it. One couple had two small dogs. No bags for do-do. We carry two bags each when we walk our dogs.

I have to go out once a day and clean up the do-do from the ducks. Big ducks. Don't know what kind they are, but they are messy.

We use to enjoy this park, but somehow all the rules have been forgotten. Adults should know better. Kids know only what they are taught.

I have only once seen a cat loose. It had been "LEFT" by a camper who apparently was tired of it.

Can't wait until we leave here. This is not my idea of a good time. Camping use to be fun and relaxing. Now when you sit out, you have to have eyes in the back of your head if your out with your dogs.

My cats are house cats, thank God. They just stay inside.

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Old 07-24-2007, 05:46 AM   #15
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quote:Originally posted by Glenn and Lorraine

Now you pet owners don't get yourselves in an uproar but, We have never owned a pet of any species, never had, never will. I refused to pick up after my children and I'll be darned if I'll pick up after an animal. Until they can be taught to pick up after themselves and contribute to their health care Lorraine and I will stand our ground about not having any pets. Now this is OUR OPINION and is not meant to start any discussions good, bad or indifferent.
AMEN, brother!
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Old 07-24-2007, 06:52 PM   #16
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Chuck and Carol-

Let's leash the kids and let the dogs run free!....LOL. Just kidding!

You are so right in what you said about the kids only learn what the adults teach them. In some cases they are taught nothing.

I feel that when you encounter children running through your camp site, it is ok to say "hey, there little buddy would you mind walking around this way." If the adults don't take the time the children won't know that they are a bother.

I work with young children, have for 19 years....and love every second of it!

When we encounter little intruders in our camp site, and before my husband gets to the boiling point. I just politely show the
child(ren) the boundaries. Children will usually be very respectful and obey. The older ones will listen but probably mumble under their breaths as they walk by, BUT the will respect what you have asked.

Adults, now that is a whole other topic!

Intruding dogs...I just say in a firm voice "you go home" they usually leave. I got to admit the big dogs I'm afraid of...I run and get hubby.

Cats...really haven't encountered that problem. But still feel the same, in a public campground they should be on a leash.

You know what's sad about this whole thing, is by every post on here, We all take responsibilities of our pets, either by knowing that you don't want an animal and deciding not to have them. We leash our dogs and pick up their poop. Cats stay in our trailers. Birds in their cages..etc..

It's those few that ruin it for the rest of us.

I really encourage everyone not to tolerate when you encounter a rude pet owner. I feel we need to speak up, naturally respectfully and in a nice manner before it gets to lines of frustration. Communication is the best way to solve problems.
"Use your words" Gee do I feel like I'm at work....sorry!

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Old 07-25-2007, 01:01 AM   #17
Chuck and Carol
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Keven, two boys were playing soccer last night right behind the trailer. I went out and asked them if they could "please" move their game. Their ball had come on to our patio rug a couple of times. I explained I had dogs in the trailer and didn't want to get them barking.
Well, they charged through our site, across the road and told their father. Apparently the father got PO'd. Next thing we knew they were all packed up and left. I worked in an elem. school and I know parents get really upset if you speak to their darlings.
This same father,a few days ago, had played frisbie with them in the back and was yelling at the kids the whole time. Different when someone else speaks to them.

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Old 07-25-2007, 03:53 PM   #18
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Kids are just that, Kids. The little ones no matter how often you tell them or give them rules when they get to playing forget everything(remember when we were kids) I could never understand how someone could get so worked up over Grass and flowers..I mean they were only grass and flowers..Even the teens do not see things in the same perspective that we older and more mature folks do. We have had parents come over to our camp site and apologize for their kids walking through our camp site. Animals are a different story. They do not know anything and are not responsible for their actions..the owners are.I do like animals but am not a pet person at all..(we have "the bird" well Helen has the bird. I was out voted on that one.
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Old 07-28-2007, 03:19 PM   #19
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Chuck and Carol-
Sorry to hear that it didn't work too well with your ex-neighbors, but problem solved for this time.

I was wondering, with this topic starting out about pets in campgrounds.

To any other readers on this forum-

Has anybody ever had to speak to a neighbor camper about a pet? How did it turn out? (Hopefully good).
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Old 07-29-2007, 12:37 AM   #20
Chuck and Carol
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I usually call the office and let them handle it.

Right now in this new campground we are camped next to a pop up that has 5 pugs. Cute things, noisey during the day occasionally, but never a peep out of them when they are inside or at night.
Wish mine we so well behaved.

I for one want to know when my animals bother other people.
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