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Old 10-13-2010, 02:09 PM   #1
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Knowing the laws in many states?

During a discussion with my wife, April, (yes, a discussion, not an argument ) we were wondering how we would keep up with the laws in various states as we crossed them. We may spend only 1 to 4 days in any given state or may be there 4 months.
Some states allow radar detectors and some do not; some allow right turn on red and some do not; some allow cell phone usage while driving and some do not; etc, etc.
How to you folks keep up on these and other relative laws that may change from state to state?
I know there are state-by-state driving manuals available, but that would be quite a sizeable library and be difficult to keep current.
I'm an NRA life member so I'm aware of the NRA site regarding right-to-carry in each state.
Any suggestions/ideas/warnings would be appreciated.
PS: I searched the history files and could not find this subject.
Thanks, in advance.
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Old 10-13-2010, 02:58 PM   #2
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When we travel in other states we watch the signs as we enter the state, Usually they will have any unusual laws posted at the state line.

In Va. they let you know you burn headlights if you have your wipers on and radar detectors are illegal in the state. The rest I just do what I do in home state.

We did notice in California if you have 5 vehicles behind you on a two lane road you are suppose to pull over when you can, and when entering the interstate people would yield or stop and wait for an opening. In the east they play chicken.

In Tenn. you pull over for funerals. I was forced to the shoulder by a trooper because I did not stop. Back home we do not have to stop.

Just go and enjoy and if you do something wrong they will let you know.
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Old 10-13-2010, 03:53 PM   #3
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I think awaywego pretty much sums it up. I usually try and avoid traveling over the speed limit and watch the signs as well. We don’t use a radar detector but I think now days cell phones can get you into trouble a little quicker where many states are quickly passing laws on texting, etc…
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Old 10-14-2010, 08:10 AM   #4
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I live in the East Awaywego, not far from you actually, and the jokers coming up the entrance ramps are "supposed" to yield right-of-way and smoothly (whatever that means) merge with the existing interstate traffic. As a courtesy, a lot of people in the right-hand lane will pull over to the left lane and allow the oncoming ramp vehicle to have the lane. This is a courtesy only, the oncoming merger cannot always see what's in the lane to the left of you as you ride down the highway and YOU still have the right of way. I see people get all bent out of shape if you don't accommodate their need to merge by speeding up or slowing down - that's what THEY, as the oncoming vehicle, are supposed to do. That's my story anyway, and I'm sticking to it. 'Course if you're sitting there with your truck and rig all tore up 'cause you had the right of way, what good is that?
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Old 10-14-2010, 08:31 AM   #5
Tom S.
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I just follow my own laws and plead ignorance if we're pulled over. My wife always backs up my plea with the officer, agreeing that I'm ignorant.
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Old 10-14-2010, 08:46 AM   #6
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I now drive with my lights on, don't have a radar detector, try to stay on the two rightmost lanes, don't do turns on red lights, pull over for funerals, pull over for emergency vehicles, stop for busses, use the lights when the wipers are on (but they are on anyway), try to pull over to let most vehicles pass under any conditions, stay out of New Jersey (too long) and other than I don't have mudflaps for my truck and I drive about 62mph, did I miss anything? This seems to cover most laws.

By the way, the law in California was changed a few years ago that day or night, if the wipers are on you better have your lights on too (not just the driving lights) - too many driver's still don't know or remember this. I like this law. Too many times if you are behind someone and it's raining hard even during daytime hours and they are driving too slow you don't notice unless you see their tail lights. It's as bad as driving in thick fog while in the San Joaquin Valley and I've seen some of these driver's NOT turn on their lights since it's daytime hours. We forget that lights are not necessarily so that we can see, it's also because we need to BE seen!

I like the way Jdrbone thinks regarding merging traffic. Too many mergers don't realize you should be close to highway/Interstate speed limits BEFORE you actually get to the highway or Interstate. When towing my rig even I am at or close to speed by the time I get there and most of these vehicles don't have any excuse except inattentiveness (or ignorance). I'll stick to your story too.
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Old 10-14-2010, 10:32 AM   #7
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Most states have almost the same laws which of course are made for a reason, mainly your safety and that of others. I follow the following: Stay within the speed limit. Keep a good distance between the vehicle in front of you especially if hauling your 5th wheel. Never use the cell phone when driving even if the state does allow's to dangerous when hauling. If you are within the speed limit why do you need a radar unit (besides if you get a warning of a radar unit ahead, the
radar unit has already picked up your speed. Wipers on- lights on, thats simple enough. I'm always amazed at how many drivers enter onto a major highway or
turnpike from an on ramp and never look to see if it's safe to enter (that includes state highway maintaince trucks). Defensive driving always, always, always.
Drive at least 5 or 6 cars ahead of you (in other words know what those drivers are doing - slowing down, moving to the right or left, brake lights coming on etc.)
You have to know what is going on ahead of you so you can react in time. Try to keep an eye on your mirrors as knowing what is going on behind you can prevent problelms too. Right turn on red is allowed in most states but if in doubt..don't do it, also look for signs at the intersections which may tell you that no turn on red is allowed at that location. Those are the main things to keep in mind and if by some chance, and I am speaking from experience, if pulled over by an officer, please don't give him a hard time. This is one way of finding out how powerful a pen can be.

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Old 10-19-2010, 06:02 PM   #8
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quote:Originally posted by Jdrobone

I live in the East Awaywego, not far from you actually, and the jokers coming up the entrance ramps are "supposed" to yield right-of-way and smoothly (whatever that means) merge with the existing interstate traffic. As a courtesy, a lot of people in the right-hand lane will pull over to the left lane and allow the oncoming ramp vehicle to have the lane. This is a courtesy only, the oncoming merger cannot always see what's in the lane to the left of you as you ride down the highway and YOU still have the right of way. I see people get all bent out of shape if you don't accommodate their need to merge by speeding up or slowing down - that's what THEY, as the oncoming vehicle, are supposed to do. That's my story anyway, and I'm sticking to it. 'Course if you're sitting there with your truck and rig all tore up 'cause you had the right of way, what good is that?
I obviously can't speak for the US laws but here in Alberta BOTH vehicles share the right of way when merging. It's up to the through vehicle to make room for the merging vehicle and it's the merging motorists responsibility to be up to speed when entering.... If the through motorist had sole right of way there would be a Yield sign instead of the Merge sign...

Now does everyone here do that here? Not a chance! I guess they find out when their rigs are both smashed that they will share the responsibility.

I gotta say in my travels in the US I see everyone moving over to let them in all the time... Thank you for being courteous.

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Old 10-19-2010, 06:26 PM   #9
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at some of the big truck stops you can buy the big trucker atlas.they have alot of the laws in those altales. they have laws for invermental laws fuel wieght lenghts.etc.
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Old 10-20-2010, 03:09 AM   #10
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For members that use smart phones there is one app I know of called State Lines by Two Steps Beyond.

This is part of there description,

Because some things change when you cross the line...

Compiled after over 4 years of full time road-tripping across the USA, State Lines is an indispensable traveler’s guide to highly variable state laws and regulations.

Currently State Lines tracks 46 pieces of travel relevant information for each of the 50 states; including vehicle gun carry laws, state sales tax, average local tax rates, time zones, towing & RV specific laws, gas/diesel taxes, rest area overnight parking rules, default speed limits, alcohol sales laws, smoking bans, open container laws, state park camping entrance fees, pet leash laws, bicycle and motorcycle helmet laws, cell phone & texting bans, left hand turn rules, and more.
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Old 10-20-2010, 09:17 AM   #11
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One law we learned that exists in TX is that you have to have mudflaps when driving a dually. Actually, we learned about it on the MOC. We didn't have them on last year when we were there, and we weren't stopped, so I'm thinking they might only enforce it for TX plates.

As far a cell phones go, we can't talk and drive in NY so we won't in any other state either. It really is a big distraction, and if you think about it, you are in an unfamiliar place driving a big rig.
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Old 10-20-2010, 11:55 AM   #12
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BTW, right turn on red is allowed in all 50 states, excepting New York City and wherever prohibited by sign.
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Old 10-20-2010, 12:50 PM   #13
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When all else fails, I revert to common sense. Then again, sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.
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Old 10-21-2010, 04:03 PM   #14
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Ya know, Larry, I just don't worry too much about it, figuring anything "different" about that state's laws will be posted at or near the borders. However, I don't carry. That one you'd want to know in advance. I'm sure there are sources for that info, probably on the internet.

As noted above, right on red is ok everywhere except where posted otherwise and I've only seen that at individual intersections.

The biggest headache for me is timezone changes, especially places like Arizona where they don't observe daylight savings time. And in Indiana where some counties make the DST switch and some don't. After all these years we just check the clock in the rv park office when we check in.

In other words, find out about the carry laws but otherwise just sit back and enjoy the travels.
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Old 10-26-2010, 05:00 AM   #15
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Hmmmm, learned something today -- I had thought that Right-Turn-On-Red was prohibited in Oklahoma.
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Old 10-26-2010, 06:16 AM   #16
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And California has a fairly new law that you must move over for ANY vehicle with a flashing light on the side of the freeway. It's a hefty fine, seems like it was over $700.
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Old 10-26-2010, 07:41 AM   #17
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The law in CA is either MOVE over OR if you cannot move over you must slow down to 25mph. Many states have such a law. I noticed it in OR. But I think they have had something similar for years. And you are correct about the hefty fine. You do NOT want to get a ticket for this issue.

Now if we could only get them to do something similar with the cell phone usage especially texting! When I see a vehicle weaving and or driving erratically I used to suspect a DUI but now it most likely will be someone trying to use a cell phone or most likely trying to TEXT! RANT over!

Travel safely,
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Old 10-26-2010, 07:55 AM   #18
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quote:Originally posted by footloose

And California has a fairly new law that you must move over for ANY vehicle with a flashing light on the side of the freeway. It's a hefty fine, seems like it was over $700.
Yet another Urban Legend strikes again. This is not a new law, it has been in place for a while. The most recent activity (2009) added yellow warning lght equiped vehicles to the list of reasons to move over. You have to slow down (or move over) but there is no requirement for 25 MPH (which would be suicide on some freeways). Lastely, the fine can not (currently - watch for CA's famous revenue enhancements to increase this) exceed $50.
Carl (n Susan)
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Old 10-26-2010, 08:03 AM   #19
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quote:Originally posted by HamRad

The law in CA is either MOVE over OR if you cannot move over you must slow down to 25mph. Many states have such a law. I noticed it in OR. But I think they have had something similar for years. And you are correct about the hefty fine. You do NOT want to get a ticket for this issue.

Now if we could only get them to do something similar with the cell phone usage especially texting! When I see a vehicle weaving and or driving erratically I used to suspect a DUI but now it most likely will be someone trying to use a cell phone or most likely trying to TEXT! RANT over!
We have this law here in Alberta where it's move over or slow to 1/2 the max speed to a maximum of 60 kms (37 mph)on the highways. Except so many think this applies to all of the lanes next to the emergency vehicle so we have all these cars slamming on their brakes in all the lanes causing rear enders.

The fine here is $500.00 which is all about safety for the LEO, Fire, EMS and Tow Truck operators.

I agree the fines for texting etc should be up there too. That way the law will have some bite to it.
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Old 10-26-2010, 09:56 AM   #20
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Thanks Folks,
Sorry about the faulty info.. I was doubtful that the numbers (25mph) would stand for very long. Guess the basic rule is to keep safety for the LEOs or other emergency workers along our roads as the first rule! I have followed the move over rule for many years just as a safety factor for my vehicle. I have not been as judicious with the slow down part. But certainly will in the future.

I have never known what the $$$ fine was but must admit that a max fine of $50 per incident is truly a statement that the state doesn't really care about this particular law. Now if they had the fine up around the rumor amount of $700 that would mean they are serious.

Thanks for the more accurate info.

Let's all be safe out there!
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